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22(RE-2010)/2009-14, Dated: 21/02/2011

Online Payment to the beneficiaries (firms) for their DBK/TED refund claims, by RAs of DGFT

Dated:  21-02-2011
Policy Circular No. 22(RE-2010)/(2009-14) 
Sub: - Online Payment to the beneficiaries (firms) for their DBK/TED refund claims, by RAs of DGFT.  

Regional Authorities (RAs) of DGFT disburses deemed export drawback and terminal excise duty as per provisions of FTP and HBP Vol. I. In order to facilitate this process and faster disbursal of such claims, it has been now decided that payment of such claims, henceforth, shall be made online. To give effect to this decision, RAs are required to take following actions:-
(i)  RAs would collect, on immediate basis, following details, in respect of all the applications already received by them, for deemed export claims:
  (a)  Name of the beneficiary’s (Claimant’s) Bank;
 (b)  Account No. of the beneficiary;
(c)  Type of Account;
(d)  Customer’s I.D. No. (if any) ;
(e)  I.F.S.C. Code;
(f)  Telephone No./FAX No. ; and
(g) A copy of blank cancelled cheque for verification of the    facts provided by the applicant.
(ii)   For future claims, applicants shall submit the information, as mentioned under Point (i) above, alongwith applications for their claims.
(iii)   For the total amount of claims for which the payment is to be made by RA, RAs will issue one cheque for all claims. This cheque would be of an amount equivalent to total claims approved for all applicants. This cheque will be issued to Central Bank of India and name of the Payee will be shown as “yourself”.
(iii)            The cheque as drawn above will enclose lists of all firms,   Bank wise, to whom payments are to be made. For example, if an RA has to make payment to five claimants and account of three claimants is with SBI and that of two claimants is  with  Oriental Bank of Commerce, in that case RA will make two lists - one for SBI & another for  Oriental Bank of  Commerce.
(v)     The list shall contain following information:

Name of Beneficiary/claimant Name of the beneficiary’s bank Name of the Branch Name of the concerned city Beneficiary’s Account No. Type of 
Customer’s ID No.
(if any)
Tel-phone No. FAX
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

(vi)    Every RA will forward above stated information, Bank-wise to DBK Cell, DGFT, so that same could be made available to Principal Accounts Office, BBA Section, Deptt. of Commerce. 
This issues with the approval of Director General of Foreign Trade.  

Dr. L.B. Singhal
                                            Jt. Director General of Foreign Trade

(Issued from F.No.Misc.46/AM-11/DBK Cell)
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