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37 : Refunds M.P. ACT



37 : Refund
(1) If the Commissioner is satisfied that the tax or penalty or both or interest paid by or on behalf of a dealer for any year exceeds the amount of the tax to which he has been assessed or the penalty imposed or the interest payable under this Act for that year or that a registered dealer or person other than a registered dealer is entitled to the refund of rebate under of section 14, he shall, in the prescribed manner, refund any amount found to have been paid in excess in cash or by adjustment of such excess towards the amount of tax due in respect of any other year from him.
(2)  If the Commissioner is satisfied that due to an error committed by the dealer while crediting any amount payable under this Act or the Act repealed by this Act or the Madhya Pradesh Sthaniya Kshetra Me Mal Ke Pravesh Par Kar Adhiniyam, 1976 (No.52 of 1976) or the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 (No.74 of 1956), into Government treasury the amount so paid cannot be accounted for the purpose for which it is credited, he shall subject to the provisions of sub-section (4) refund that amount in the manner prescribed either in cash or by adjustment   towards the amount of tax due in respect of any other year from him.
(3)  If the appellate authority or the Commissioner is satisfied to the like effect it shall cause refund to be made of any amount found to have been wrongly paid or paid in excess.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) the authority empowered to grant refund shall apply the refundable amount in respect of any year towards the recovery of any tax, penalty, interest or part thereof due under this Act or under the Act repealed by this Act or under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 (No.74 of 1956) or under the Madhya Pradesh Sthaniya Kshetra Me Mal Ke Pravesh Par Kar Adhiniyam, 1976 (No.52 of 1976) and shall then refund the balance remaining, if any.
(5)  Where a refund of any amount under sub-section (1) or sub-section (3) is not made or is not applied for the purposes mentioned in sub-section (4) within sixty days from the date of passing of the order for refund, the dealer shall be entitled and be paid interest at the rate of one per cent per month on the amount of refund for the period commencing from the date of expiry of the said period of sixty days and ending with the day on which the refund is made to him under sub-section (1) or sub-section (3) or is applied for the purposes mentioned in sub-section (4), as the case may be.
Explanation - (i)Under this sub-section where the period for which interest is payable covers a period less than a month, the interest payable in respect of such period shall be computed proportionately.
(ii)    For the purpose of this sub-section “month” shall mean thirty days.


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